Personal Identification Information

Our company gathers personal identification information from the customers in several methods including customer site visiting, registering on the website, or filling out the subscription form of the newsletter in connection with different activities, services, and resources. The customers visiting our website may get asked for their name, address, email, phone number, and more information. On the other hand, we will only collect the customer information only if they submit the information to us. They also have the option of refusing to provide the information to us, but it may limit them to some website activities.

Non-personal identification information

Whenever the customer interacts with us, we may collect their non-personal identification information of them. This kind of information includes the browser name, computer type, and technical information like operating systems and the internet service providers utilized.

Web browser cookies

We may use the website cookies for enhancing the customer experience. We may sometime use this information to track the customer's information. Meanwhile, customers also have the option of refusing the cookies. whenever the cookies will be sent to us, the customers will get notified. However, if cookies are getting rejected some parts of the website will not work effectively.

How does the collected information get used?

We at styleforeverindia.com gathers the user's information and use it in multiple ways such as 1. Through the collected information, we help in enhancing the customer's experience and responds to customer request, and offer support. 2. We use this information to know about the customers who entered the website as a group or individually. 3. For improving the look and appearance of the website based on the feedback received. 4. We use the collected information to process the transaction whenever a customer places an order with us.

How does the collected information get protected?

We have various data collection, storage, processing practices, and security measures which help in protecting the information against any unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure of the customer's personal information like username, password, transaction information, and many more. All the data exchange between the site and customers happens over the SSL communication channel and it is fully encrypted and safeguarded with digital signatures.
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